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Communication & Language

The Enormous Turnip (Retold by Irene Yates) I Read Aloud I Classic Tales

To buy the book: book is part of Ladybirds First Favourite Tales series - these retellings are perfect for introducing young chil...

Physical Development

Cosmic Kids





Silly Soup


Collect a selection of objects or pictures of objects that rhyme eg. rat, hat, cat

Place on the floor with a pan or bowl and spoon as props to act out the song.


Choose an object to put into the pan and place it in the bowl. After each turn, stir the soup and sing the following song to recite the growing list of things that end up in the soup. Sing the first part of the song to the tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’:

I’m making lots of silly soup

I’m making soup that’s silly

I’m going to cook it in the fridge

To make it nice and chilly

In goes… a fox… a box… some socks…






Understanding of the World

Animal Homes

Still image for this video

Expressive Arts & Design
