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English - Hook


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Performing Arts - Be Cool (Geography links)

PSHE - A letter from Julia and Harold

English - The Quarry Verse 4

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RE - Beliefs and Practices: how to keep promises

PE - Netball - Develop passing and moving and play within the footwork rule

Art - The shape of a beehive and its purpose (research)

Maths - Use arrays

Geography - Countries and regions of the UK - Atlas work

Art - Sculpt individual elements and create the sculpture by connecting the various pieces

Maths - grouping and sharing - human example 10 divided by 2

Science - Light - Identifying light sources

Drumming - Reading music

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Drumming - Three Little Birds

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PE - Netball - Develop movement skills to lose a defender and defend an opponent

Music - Enjoying improvisation: Love What We Do

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Computing - Media - Combining images with print media

Geography - Researching human features in the UK

GB Invictus Competitor Sean Gaffney - Sponsored circuit

PSHE - Danger or Risk

Art - Combine all elements to make a final sculptured piece

DT - Write a program to initiate a flashing light (microbit)

DT - Program a microbit to make an e-charm

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Science - understand how shadows are formed and find patterns in the way that the size of a shadow changes
