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STEM Week November 2021 - During STEM Week children had visits from a Mechanical Engineer, Biomedical Scientist, Architects and Chemists. They talked about their roles and allowed children to experience what their jobs are like.

Music with Jenny - Year 5 have been using Charanga to learn how to control their voices when singing. They have been focusing on pitch, rhythm and tempo.

Flat Stan First Aid Training - Children were taught basic first aid and CPR skills. They worked really hard and all enjoyed learning new skills.

Science with Tom - On Friday mornings the children have been learning about Earth and Space as well as forces. They have created their own rockets and tested propulsion with balloons, straws and string.

Sports carousel - Year 5 have been working hard to improve their fitness skills on a Friday morning by playing dodgeball. They love the different variations of the game and work well in teams.

Visit to Kala Sangam Centre to find out about the International Space Station
