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Music: We have looked at many different instruments to explore sound and specifically pitch. We used the Boom Whacker Sticks to order pitch low to high and matched pitch with our voices.

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PSHE/DT: During black History Month we read the book The Patchwork Path, and learned about how slaves sewed patterns into quilts as part of the underground railroad. With some help from parents we made our own freedom quilt.

Science: Exploring our senses is different ways, from listening walks to feely bags. We've tried seeing in light places and dark places and tasted all sorts of different foods.

Maths: Finding fact families through part-whole models

Geography: As our core text is set in the ocean, we have been exploring what oceans our characters might live in. We've explored this alongside the continents of the world.

PE, Athletics: In Athletics we have been focusing on control in throwing and catching. After spending some time on throwing for accuracy, we've moved on to targeted throwing and interception.

Tooth Brushing: We have been learning all about what different drinks do to our teeth and how brushing our teeth regularly will keep our mouths healthy.

History: Year 1 will be looking at how Florence Nightingale is a significant historical figure for improving hygiene and healthcare, to kick start our learning we had a visit from the Lady with the Lamp herself!

Year 1 had a great time at the first ever Forest School morning.

English: After reading our core text Only One You, we had a go at writing acrostic poems for the Adri, the main character.

Maths: We have been looking at representing numbers in a variety of ways and getting used to the maths equipment.

Year 1 have been getting used to their new class and exploring our outdoor learning area.
