School Council

School Councillors are chosen by their class members each year in September.  School Councillors wear a purple polo shirt and yellow jumper so they are recognisable within school.  Meetings are held regularly.  Councillors bring ideas/concerns to the school council meetings where they are discussed with Mrs Whittingham and a decision is made whether these ideas/concerns need to be taken further and discussed with Mrs Lacey.  It is important that as a school we listen to our pupil voice and the School Council is actively involved in deciding which charities we support during the year. They were also involved in the appointment of our current head teacher, Mrs Lacey.

Here is a list of our School Councillors this year:-

Year 1 – Oliver & Ella
Year 2 – Scarlett & Bruce
Year 3 – Devon & Konnor
Year 4 – Oscar & Dolcie
Year 5 –  Jacob & Renesmee
Year 6 –  Joseph & Taylor
Head Boy and Head Girl – Rory & Isla